
More than a backpack

On a sweltering July morning, the joyous sound of more than 800 children filled the air as they descended on Mercy Care Chamblee for the annual Back-to-School Fair. Four years in a row, our youngest patients received brand new backpacks filled with fresh school supplies. But it is more than just backpacks; Mercy Care’s staff…


On the Move

Tarrance Eatman was looking for medical care and found a home at the Gateway Center where Mercy Care manages a clinic for shelter residents and the community. Tarrance had been battling with drug and alcohol abuse for years. “I had been in and out of programs only changing on the outside, not the inside.” Tarrance…

Recuperative Care

Shelters in the Storm

Mercy Care’s Recuperative Care programs for men and women provide a safe, healing place for those experiencing homelessness to stay after discharge from hospitals. For the compromised patients currently sheltering in City of Refuge and Gateway Center dorms, COVID-19 poses a very real threat. As one male resident said to the group: “If anyone catches…

Street Medicine

Outreach teams tackle COVID-19

While many of us feel an information overload from the media, social networks, and government with COVID-19 updates, a section of our population remains in the dark. For Atlantans experiencing unsheltered homelessness, many do not have internet access and lack crucial resources and sometimes basic awareness of the current pandemic. And for those who are…

Recuperative Care

“Step by step”

Roy Martin walked miles home from the emergency room, his throat cut earlier that night in an altercation on the street that he miraculously survived. But the home he was returning to had no heat, water or electricity. This was the house he grew up in, his siblings no longer around. Not every night was…

Staff Highlight

Sister Jane Gerety comes home

On Jan. 6, 2020, Dr. Jane Gerety, RSM, will fill the role of chief mission officer for Saint Joseph’s Health System and Mercy Care, reporting to CEO Tom Andrews. In March 2019, Sister Angela Ebberwein, RSM, retired as vice president of mission after 26 years of service and graciously continued to lead the mission activities…


“Take charge of your health.”

Ryan White: Then and Now HIV services at Mercy Care are funded by the Ryan White program. But who was Ryan White, and where did it all start? In 1984, when he was just 13 years old, Ryan White was diagnosed with AIDS. As the American HIV epidemic first caught national attention in the early…


One Day, Two Continents, Three Timezones

Dermatology clinic and Street Medicine recognized in Milan, Italy and Dallas, Texas. The World Congress of Dermatology in Milan Mark Holzberg, M.D., Mercy Care volunteer physician and founder of Avail Dermatology in Newnan, Georgia, was honored with the International Award for Social Responsibility in Dermatology in North America and a €20,000 ($22,457.20) grant. When the…

Staff Highlight

“We all go through things.”

In the spotlight. Debbie Stevens, nurse practitioner at Gateway, was recognized by IF Gathering at their women’s conference in February. Debbie was selected as an example of an excellent female professional who uses her faith in the workplace. A film crew followed her around for a day to capture the clinic at the Gateway Center…

Staff Highlight

“It’s really all I’ve wanted to be.”

When you know, you know. By age 5, Dr. Jeff Moore knew he wanted to be a dentist. In elementary school, he dressed up as one for career fairs, and in high school through college he volunteered at an office. His inspiration, he says, goes back to his childhood dentist. “Somehow my exposure to him,…