Connecting Generations and Community

After months of careful discernment, Mercy Care made the difficult decision to discontinue the Mercy Care Rome Adult Day Program, effective June 30, 2025. We have been unable to secure the grant, contract and donor funds to cover the program expenses. This decision was not taken lightly, and we understand the impact it may have on the families we serve.

Mercy Care Rome has always been known for delivering the highest quality of care and that will continue until the program ends in June. The team in Rome is working closely with program participants to address their needs and connect them with available resources. On average, 14 individuals attend the adult day program each day.

Mercy Care explored every option to make the program financially sustainable before coming to this decision. We thank the Mercy Care Rome board of directors who worked tirelessly to identify supplemental funding for the program. Mercy Care Rome notified the Area Agency on Aging of its decision to end the program, and the AAA will be reallocating these resources to other supports for older adults in the community.

We want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude to Liz Molina and her team for their unwavering dedication to the work. Their compassion and commitment have been an inspiration, and we will support them as they find new ways to serve the community.

In the coming months, Mercy Care will work with the community to determine the ways Mercy Care Rome can continue to minister to older adults in the area.