
Frequently Asked Questions

Is this a free clinic?

Mercy Care is not a free clinic. It operates on a sliding fee scale. If you have no income, we require certain documents to assist you with your payments (picture ID, proof of residency, check stubs if you are employed, or wage verification from the Department of Labor if you are unemployed).

Mercy Care makes excellent medical and dental care possible for every family. We believe that all people should have access to healthcare, regardless of their economic position. We expect our patients to pay according to their ability.

Do you provide financial assistance?

Mercy Care treats all patients. We use the sliding fee scale system to provide care and cost, based on your ability to pay. Applying our sliding fee scale, eligible persons, based on proof of income, may pay as little as $35 per visit. If you can’t pay the minimum due at the time of service, we will work with you on a payment plan that outlines how to satisfy your obligation. Persons experiencing homelessness and those who have proof of no income may not be charged a fee for service.

How do I pay my bill?

There are many ways to pay your bill:

  • Cash
  • Credit Card
  • Debit Card
  • Online through MyChart
  • Over the phone


How do I access MyChart?

By clicking here to open the MyChart login page.

How do I sign up for MyChart?

  • Ask your provider to email or text you a direct link.
  • Or click here to open MyChart, then enter the 10 digit code on the last page of your after-visit summary.

To sign up on your smart phone:

  • Download the MyChart app from your app store.
  • Accept the terms.
  • Select your location: “Georgia”.
  • Select: “OCHIN MyChart”
  • Follow the prompts to register or Login to your account.

Who should I contact if I am having trouble accessing MyChart?

Call us at 678-843-8600. We are happy to help you with any questions!

Recuperative Care

What type of program is the Recuperative Care Program, and what services are offered?

Recuperative Care is a program for medically fragile homeless men and women (age 18 or older) who are ready for discharge after a hospitalization, but who lack a home to go to for recuperation. The program provides a place to stay while healing – the women’s program is at the City of Refuge and the men’s program is at the Gateway Center. Both programs also provide training for daily living, medications counseling, transportation for medical and mental health appointments, self-care skills relative to your illness and housing assistance. Patients also access support service referrals, including outpatient behavioral health services, substance abuse counseling, mental health counseling, job training and eligibility assistance. Funding for Recuperative Care is provided in part by the Fulton County Board of Commissioners under the guidance of the Department of Housing and Community Development.

Vision Care

Where do I pick up my glasses?

If your eye exam was done at the Mercy Care Decatur Street clinic, you can pick them up there on Friday afternoons from 1:00pm – 4:30pm or at our City of Refuge clinic on the first Tuesday of the month from 1:00pm – 4:30pm. If your exam was done at The Center for Visually Impaired for the Blind, please pick up your glasses at Mercy Care Decatur Street clinic. Please bring your picture ID.

Social Services

Who do I talk to regarding housing?

Please talk with your case manager or our resource specialist, Gerard Reid, in the clinic.

What is case management, and whom does it serve?

Case management is for individuals experiencing homelessness and have mental health issues but are not currently receiving mental health support. Clients who qualify for case management are assisted with connections to mental health care, medical, stabilization resources and more.

How do I get a case manager?

You can meet our case managers in various settings throughout the community (soup kitchens, shelters, etc.) or at our downtown location. Just ask to speak with an on-call case manager, and we will assist you.

Dental Services

Do you provide Dental Services?

Yes. We provide fillings, cleanings, and extractions.