“Mercy Care represents the core of who I am.”
From Brooklyn, New York, to Marietta, Georgia, Yolanda Davis, Doctor of Ministry and board-certified chaplain, brings her love for God’s people.
Growing up in Brooklyn, Yolanda was emerged in multiple cultures and religions. “This initiated my curiosity about God,” she says. So, it is no surprise Yolanda grew her interest in theology while traveling the world with an apparel company. Eventually, Yolanda’s company landed her in the Marietta, Georgia area.
Yolanda quickly became acclimated to her new community by serving breakfast at MUST Ministries. She also set out to teach the next generation about homelessness. As a youth pastor, she partnered with a local organization that allowed middle and high school aged children to be immersed with those experiencing homelessness – giving them a different perspective.
A few years after moving to Marietta, the recession hit, and Yolanda lost her job. More enthused than most during this time, she saw the next chapter of her life dangling from a friend’s bag at choir practice – a brochure for Candler School of Theology. After reading the description, she knew this is what God had planned for her. After graduating from Candler, Yolanda pursued her doctorate at Perkins School of Theology in Dallas. Upon returning to Georgia, she began working at a local healthcare organization . Yolanda reflected on the multiple encounters she had with Mercy Care partners—Gateway Center and MUST Ministries—as well as others before she knew Mercy Care.
“God prepared me for this,” Yolanda said. “Mercy Care represents the core of who I am and what I believe.”
Lately, Yolanda began lifting the spirits of patients in the lobby by reading reflections emailed daily to staff. “The reflections captivate the entire room,” Yolanda said. “What we do for ourselves, we do for them.” After reading, she checks in with each patient individually. Pastoral care is a rather large umbrella, but Yolanda enjoys engaging with people in different ways, meeting them where they are to ensure they get the care they need.
“There is the expectation of hope, not giving up. It’s a process,” she said.
As manager of Spiritual Care, each day looks different. From bagging up coats for local families to serving multiple clinic locations, you can always find Yolanda caring for those around her.
If you are interested in speaking with Yolanda, you can reach her by email. yolanda.davis@mercyatlanta.org